March 31, 2017


 Honeymoon di Bali 2013

 Extravaganza Bangkok 2013 : Floating Market

 Birthday Husband 2013 : 24 tahun

 Birthday surprise oleh husband di MyInn hotel LD. Time ni belum habis pantang lahirkan Saif Al Furqan :) 2014

 Akikah Saif Al Furqan 2014 : 21 hari ;)

 Extravaganza Bangkok 2013

Bangkok 2014 

On the way ke majlis kahwin Rusdi Mac 2016

March 23, 2017

How Long Will I Love You

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan
How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash up on the sand
How long will I want you
As long as you want me to
And longer by far
How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can
How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
However long you say

Laguni..sempat kami dengar sama sama malam sebelum arwah dikejarkan ke hospital keesokan paginya. sambil ketawa ketawa lagi sebab playlist tab aku yg 'too obsolete' tiada sda lagu lagu baru mcm zaman belajar dulu. haha cerita cerita santai santai ja kami malam tu. dia baring di atas katil aku duduk di tepi katil. siapa tau kan..itu last :( 

ok. berbalik kpd lagu ni. lagu ni ost satu movie org putih ni about time. kami tengok sama sama di rumah sewa lama dlu di taman aman 2 Lahad Datu. nah kau detail aku bagi sebab..xmau luput dari ingatan aku. Arwah suka tengok movie org putih ni tp yg action movie. aku plak suka love story apa apa bangsa punya movie la, yg penting love story. ;) yg akhirnya akupun pandai tertidur tidur jg tengok! haha! xboleh bagi komitmen langsung movie movie ni or drama drama laa..sebab aku rasa aku mau menikmati realiti hidup aku, sebab xkan berulang semua tu. mungkin berulang tapi tidak lagi sama mcm yg dulu. 

ok u turn balik cerita aku malam tu bersama arwah..selain dengar dengar lagu yg agak obsolete tu. kami sempat jg cerita cerita pasal saat saat akhir bila roh berpisah daripada jasad. 'b..syg dengar tazkirah malam jumaat hari tu. ni syg x ckp siapa2 la ya. sebab x semestinya b sakit b yg pergi dulu. who knows..syg ni sihat xda sebab untuk tidak mati klu ajal sda sampai kan.Ust tu cakap (seingat aku la..ust Ahmad Dusuki) nt syaitan pandai datang ajak kita ikut sama dia ba kan'..husband: yaa..ada jg b dengar ceramah tu. memang pun.. setakat itu ja yg aku ingat pasal coversation tu. tp lepas ni klu aku ingat nt aku update lg. Yang pastinya conversation tu buat aku kuat bertahan 2 malam 2 hari di hospital tu klu boleh xmau stop bisik di telinganya kalimah Lailaha Illallah.. Alhamdulillah Allah bagi aku peluang itu. Memang betullah apa apa pun yg kita buat ikhlas Lillahi Taala pasti akan berbuah rasa kemanisan di dalam hati. Kemanisan yang sampai bila bila kau mau rasa setiap masa setiap saat di setiap hembusan nafasmu. Subhanallah..Maha suci Allah.

"..Alhamdulillah Allah bagi aku peluang itu. Memang betullah apa apa pun yg kita buat ikhlas Lillahi Taala pasti akan berbuah rasa kemanisan di dalam hati. Kemanisan yang sampai bila bila kau mau rasa setiap masa setiap saat di setiap hembusan nafasmu. Subhanallah..Maha suci Allah..."

Malam tu jg arwah sempat pesan yg dia mau guna laptop. Mau transfer derma untuk kawan group IRIZ nya..Semoga niat baiknya itu mendapat ganjaran pahala disisi Allah. amin.. Mari sama sama kita sedekahkan Al Fatihah buat arwah semoga dia ditempatkan di tempat yg paling baik disisi Allah..amin :)

March 21, 2017

The wife

Mulai saat ini setiap post yg kena publish adalah tulisan dari isteri arwah Zakwanyzan. Jadi sudah pasti setiap kata kata mungkin tidak sama dari segi idea, cara penulisan dan juga sudut pandangan. Saja saja mengisi blog untuk mengubat rindu. 

Blog ni saya pernah baca masa awal awal mau berkawan dulu. itupun belum baca habis. Syukur juga ada blog ni bolehlah sedikit sebanyak ubati rindu tu sikit sikit. mungkin x juga sikit..banyak kali :) Lepas ni boleh la anak anak pulak baca kan. inshaa Allah,

March 20, 2017

Until Jannah

Bila bercinta kerna Allah.
di mana pun dia
Berapa jauh pun dia
Masih terasa akan kasih sayangnya
kerna yang pasti
Selagi Allah s.w.t di hati
akan sentiasa segar bersemadi.

Selamat ulang tahun yang keempat sang suami. 

April 22, 2014

My son, Saif Alfurqan. He was born with a symbradactily on his left hand. Which makes the hand smaller than the other hand. Me n my wife nvr knew this until the day he was born. Medical terms cant define the exact reason as why did this happen, there's nothing the mother do or don't that make this happen. This occur about 1 in 32000 newborn, 

I feel sad, empty, angry, and so many negative emotion the moment i knew about this. Why us? Why my child? i have so many question with no one to answer. 

Now, after almost 3 month pampering, loving, caring, diapers changing and etc of my baby. I understand, that Allah hv a better plan for me n my family. This is a gift, a gift in which Allah knows in sha Allah we can love him, protect him, and nuture him to be the best person in this world. And most important of it all, to be the imam of the muttaqin. 

This is my words for u my son. 
Do remember Abah and mama always love u. Be strong, and always hv faith in Allah. You will be most successful in this life and the hereafter. 

TQ Allah. Semoga ak menjadi hamba mu yg bertakwa.

January 30, 2014


Alhamdulillah, after a long year break of writing anything, finally I'm back. As u guys can see in that picture, there's lots of things happen through out the year, 21.3.2013 is the date of my solemnization with my wife. I do need to write this as this is the changing phase of my life. History which can't be change forever. 

That morning, I feel nervous, happy, excited, joy, sad, and so many other feelings which I can't explain. Well, I believe everyone that are married knew this feeling. Anyway, the solemnization getting placed at my wife home at Semporna. and it's happen right after Zohor prayer. Sumaidah binti Anam is officially my wife.

Tq Allah, I do feel blessed and in sha Allah, I will do my best to be a good husband to my wife. 

Now, its 31.1.2014. Almost a year of living married life, and still I do love and feel happy with my wife. Challenge do comes and go, and yet how u deal with it matters. All those challenge grows u, and the beautiful thing about getting married is, u are not alone. The challenge of life seems easy with our love ones beside us. may Allah keep our love together, and bless our love always. 

Today, not only we are happily married, Allah also bless us with a child. Few more weeks left before his/her delivery. In sha Allah we are expecting a baby boy. 

Feeling? only Allah knows how it feels to be a husband, and soon to be a father. I know, this is not an easy task of life. Its a lifetime responsibility, and I pray Allah bless me and my wife to be the best mother and father for our child, and may Allah bless us with a child with a solid Iman through out his life. 

2013 is a very memorable year for me, and I believe 2014 has many surprise for me ahead. oh Allah, bless my parents always as they have bless me with so many favor in life and I do pray U unite our family with Iman and Taqwa in our heart. Tq Allah for everything. 

September 23, 2012

Herbalife for Fitness

Yuhuu! Consider yourself warn!
so, its up to u whether u want to believe in me or otherwise.
u can check this out, whether its true or not. 

my testimonial is, i've been using Herbalife for 4 month approximately, and i can say i'm getting near to my dream. which is? 
i want to get 6pax!
u know, for a gym freak. they do know, that abs can't be make at gym, it doesn't appear no matter how hard u train. the only way to get that is u must control your calories intake, easy to say DIET.

how to diet? 
is there any clue, on how to diet?
Yeah. U can less your sugar intake, eat less bread, eat more vegies, eat more protein, and etc.
but really?
is is easy to calculate all of this?

i give u an easy option.
this is not only a product for losing weight. 
its a product which the consumer use to optimize their nutrition for their body.
when u eat healthy, automatically u lose weight. simple and easy.

now, for me. i've been using this for my fitness workout, breakfast, dinner, and i also drink the shake after my workout session and guess what?
i lose 3kg in 1 month. 

now, i can share lots of things in detail for you if you interested to know,
u can email me, contact me at +60168607535, and find me via Facebook zakwanyzan idris.

Lose weight now, live healthy, be smart, ask me now :)