September 30, 2010

akhirnya ~

yea.. akhirnya.
aku dapat juga beli CPU.. without selling my lovely laptop =D
thanx DaD..
i really appreciate it. love u dad..

hurm. happy2..
skrg nie. aku da ada desktop sndiri..
still under upgrading lg..
tinggal 1 menda ja lg perlu d upgrade.
graphic card =.="

mana la mo cekau duit nie..
pokai habes sda aku..
pelan2.. next2 month aku beli la tue :)

pasni bole la aku maen L4D..
starcraft two~
Call of duty~
world of warcraft~

owh so sweet.. heaven nya aku.
thanx Allah for granting my wish :)
sangat2 besyukur. huhu.

btw, u..
u cakap bahaya nie.. i suka maen game?
haha. dun worry bha..
maen2 game pon, i x pnah lupa u..
dota is my life dear..
u accept it.
then u'll become my life too.
thanx for treating me so nice. i really appreciate it..
i really wish i could jz tell u how i feel =(


Leyha said...

Zakwanyzan! Sila jan selalu men game! blaja sungguh2 tuk jadik peguam yang baik!

Leyha said...

Zakwanyzan! Sila jan selalu men game! blaja sungguh2 tuk jadik peguam yang baik!

zaCk_89 said...

hurm.. okei2.
dun wori. x juga berabis maen game nie..
rajin nie sy studi :)